Author Archives: Nancee

Carlsbad Flower Fields

If you haven’t visited The Flower Fields at Carlsbad Ranch, you are in for a treat of 50 acres of extraordinary color. The fields are currently in bloom on a hillside overlooking the Pacific Ocean and is a certainly a sight to behold.

Posted in Gardens and Such, In the News, Outdoor Activities Tagged |

The Salton Sea

What is there to say about the Salton Sea, Bombay Beach, East Jesus and Salvation Mountain? No matter where you turn there is something odd and eerie.
Take a look for yourself. Just maybe we’ll run into each other on the next trip out there. You won’t want to miss this place.

Posted in Outdoor Activities, Sand and Surf, Travel Photography Tagged , |

P is for Portrait

Is it time to update your professional networking photo?

Posted in Corporate, Portraits Tagged |

Nifty-Fifty Walk

I recently participated in a Nifty-Fifty walk, where photographers create photos using a 50mm lens. It’s a challenge in today’s “zoom-in, zoom-out” world. Not to long ago, almost every film camera with inter-changeable lenses was sold with the 50mm or normal lens. Today, most DSLRs are sold with a zoom lens. If you only have a zoom lens, you can use painters’ tape to the lens at the 50mm point and start the Nifty-Fifty challenge.

Posted in Snapshots etc., Uncategorized Tagged , |

Chicano Park World Heritage Site

On Saturday, February 3, white supremacists descended upon Chicano Park, a World Heritage Site, for what they called a picnic. The only problem is that they showed up with gas masks and brass knuckles sewn into their gloves. They also shouted racial slurs and denigrated the local culture.

Who shows up to a picnic with no food, wearing gas masks, and set for a confrontation?

Posted in In the News, Photojournalism Tagged |

Photographing Families

Let’s be honest, we take more pictures these days than we ever took in the past. We take so many photos of ourselves that we forget how important it is to gather our families for photos that celebrate special occasions where someone else (that would be me) does the work of organizing and picture taking.

Here are a few recent examples of family photo sessions in the San Diego area.

Posted in Family Photo Sessions Tagged , |

Happy Holidays 2017

Quinn and Stella are all ready for the holiday season, sending you greetings of good cheer and a happy New Year!

Posted in Pet Photography Tagged , |

Latest Pacific Magazine Work

Here is some of the latest work I’ve done for San Diego’s Pacific Magazine.


Posted in Eats and Drinks

Sweet and Savory

I’ve been to some awesome culinary establishments over the past few months photographing sweet and savory foods.

One of my first stops was to Suzie’s Farm, a darling organic indie farm used by many restaurants and open to the public. Then it was onto meet with chef Bibi Kasrai of Harvard Cookin’ Girl in La Jolla, Chef Javier Plascencia for the folks at Got Milk? and to see what was cooking at Kitchens for Good, where they break the cycles of food waste, poverty and hunger through programs in workforce training and healthy meals and social enterprise.

Next in line was Josh Hockett, who has completed an impressive amount of food challenges at restaurants around San Diego County, including the Pancake Monster at Brian’s 24 in downtown San Diego.

Following up on the sweeter end of things, I also photographed Kristianna Zabala at Nomad Donuts in North Park, the most awesome biscuits at the Antiques Row Cafe on Adams Ave and tasty pastries at Black Market Bakery on 30th Street.

Yum, yum.

Posted in In the News

Traveling with your iPhone

As much as I enjoy creating images with a dSLR or a CSC (Compact System Cameras, aka mirrorless camera), I also really like using my iPhone for photography as well, especially when I travel. Of course, the biggest drawback is smaller file size and loss of overall image quality. In balancing those deficiencies, my approach is different and I find it frees me up a bit for some creative fun, as seen here in these images from a recent trip to Seattle.


Posted in iphoneography, Snapshots etc., Travel Photography Tagged , |